Gathering at the intersection of the arts and mindfulness 

Kindred is a gathering at the intersection of mindfulness and the arts. Together, we engage with and explore contemplative creativity, using the act of creation as our anchor toward greater stillness and connection. By creating the circumstances for creative rest and kindred connection, we make a way for the divinity of life to shine through. As a community, we create the chance to inspire more love, compassion, and peace in ourselves, in each other, and in the world. 

Kindred is held in partnership with Vivid Oblivion, an interdisciplinary arts studio in Cambridge, MA and supported by the Presbyterian Church 1001 New Worshiping Communities Apprenticeship Program. Gatherings are held once a month with informal gatherings and special events in between. Check our Substack, Instagram (@k.i.n.d.r.e.d), and Eventbrite for the most up-to-date announcements!